Package 'FORTLS'

Title: Automatic Processing of Terrestrial-Based Technologies Point Cloud Data for Forestry Purposes
Description: Process automation of point cloud data derived from terrestrial-based technologies such as Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) or Mobile Laser Scanner. 'FORTLS' enables (i) detection of trees and estimation of tree-level attributes (e.g. diameters and heights), (ii) estimation of stand-level variables (e.g. density, basal area, mean and dominant height), (iii) computation of metrics related to important forest attributes estimated in Forest Inventories at stand-level, and (iv) optimization of plot design for combining TLS data and field measured data. Documentation about 'FORTLS' is described in Molina-Valero et al. (2022, <doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105337>).
Authors: Juan Alberto Molina-Valero [aut, cph, cre], Adela Martínez-Calvo [aut, com], Arunima Singh [aut, com], Gokul Kottilapurath Surendran [aut, com], Juan Gabriel Álvarez-González [aut, ths], Fernando Montes [aut], César Pérez-Cruzado [aut, ths]
Maintainer: Juan Alberto Molina-Valero <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.4.0
Built: 2025-03-04 06:09:22 UTC

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FORTLS: Automatic Processing of Terrestrial-Based Technologies Point Cloud Data for Forestry Purposes


Process automation of point cloud data derived from terrestrial-based technologies such as Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) or Mobile Laser Scanner. 'FORTLS' enables (i) detection of trees and estimation of tree-level attributes (e.g. diameters and heights), (ii) estimation of stand-level variables (e.g. density, basal area, mean and dominant height), (iii) computation of metrics related to important forest attributes estimated in Forest Inventories at stand-level, and (iv) optimization of plot design for combining TLS data and field measured data. Documentation about 'FORTLS' is described in Molina-Valero et al. (2022, <doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105337>).


Usage of FORTLS includes the following functionalities:

  • Tree detection: this is the first and necessary step for the other functionalities of FORTLS. This can be achieved using the following functions:

    1. normalize: mandatory first step for obtaining the relative coordinates of a TLS point cloud.

    2. tree.detection.single.scan: detects as many trees as possible from a normalized TLS single-scan point clouds.

    3. tree.detection.multi.scan: detects as many trees as possible from a normalized TLS multi-scan, SLAM, or similar terrestrial-based technologies point clouds.

    4. tree.detection.several.plots: includes the two previous functions for a better workflow when there are several plots to be sequentially analyzed.

  • Estimation of variables when no field data are available: this is the main functionality of FORTLS and can be achieved using the following functions:

    1. distance.sampling: optional function which can be used for considering methodologies for correcting occlusion effects in estimating variables.

    2. estimation.plot.size: enables the best plot design to be determined on the basis of TLS data only.

    3. metrics.variables: is used for estimating metrics and variables potentially related to forest attributes at stand level.

  • Estimation of variables when field data are available: this is the main and most desirable functionality of FORTLS and can be achieved using the following functions:

    1. distance.sampling: as before.

    2. simulations: computes simulations of TLS and field data for different plot designs. This is a prior step to the next functions.

    3. relative.bias: uses simulations output to assess the accuracy of direct estimations of variables according to homologous TLS and field data.

    4. correlations: uses simulations output to assess correlations among metrics and variables obtained from TLS data, and variables of interest estimated from field data.

    5. using correlations output, represents the best correlations for variables of interest according to the plot design. It is thus possible to select the best plot design for estimating forest attributes from TLS data.

    6. metrics.variables: as before, but in this case plot parameters will be choosen on the basis of field data and better estimates will therefore be obtained.


Maintainer: Juan Alberto Molina-Valero [email protected] [copyright holder]


  • María José Ginzo Villamayor [contributor]

  • Manuel Antonio Novo Pérez [contributor]

  • Adela Martínez-Calvo [contributor]

  • Juan Gabriel Álvarez-González [contributor]

  • Fernando Montes [contributor]

  • César Pérez-Cruzado [contributor]


Molina-Valero J. A., Ginzo-Villamayor M. J., Novo Pérez M. A., Martínez-Calvo A., Álvarez-González J. G., Montes F., & Pérez-Cruzado C. (2019). FORTLS: an R package for processing TLS data and estimating stand variables in forest inventories. The 1st International Electronic Conference on Forests — Forests for a Better Future: Sustainability, Innovation, Interdisciplinarity. doi:10.3390/IECF2020-08066

Correlation Between Field Estimations and TLS Metrics


Computes correlations between variables estimates from field data and metrics derived from TLS data. Field estimates and TLS metrics for a common set of plots are required in order to compute correlations. These data must be obtained from any of the three different plot designs currently available (fixed area, k-tree and angle-count), and correspond to plots with incremental values for the plot design parameter (radius, k and BAF, respectively). Two correlation measures are implemented: Pearson's correlation coefficient and Spearman's rho. In addition to estimating these measures, tests for association are also executed, and interactive line charts graphically representing correlations are generated.


             variables = c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "d.0", "h", "h.0"),
             method = c("pearson", "spearman"), save.result = TRUE,
             dir.result = NULL)



List including estimated variables based on field data and metrics derived from TLS data. The structure and format must be analogous to output returned by the simulations function. Specifically, it must have at least one of the following named elements:

  • fixed.area.plot: data frame with field estimates and TLS metrics under a circular fixed area plot design. Each row corresponds to a (plot, radius) pair, and all or any of the following columns are included:

    Plot identification and radius:

    • id, radius: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of fixed.area.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    Variables estimated on the basis of simulated field plots:

    • N, G, V, d, dg, dgeom, dharm, h, hg, hgeom, hharm, d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0, h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of fixed.area.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    TLS metrics derived from simulated TLS plots:

    • N.tls,,,,,, num.points,
      num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est, G.tls,,,,,, V.tls,,,,,, d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls, h.tls,
      hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls, d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls, h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls, P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of fixed.area.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    If the fixed.area.plot element is included in simulations argument, it must contain at least id and radius columns, one of the field estimates columns and one of the TLS metrics columns.

  • k.tree.plot: data frame with field estimates and TLS metrics under the k-tree plot design. Each row corresponds to a (plot, k) pair, and all or any of the following columns are included:

    Plot identification and k:

    • id, k: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of k.tree.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    Variables estimates on the basis of simulated field plots:

    • N, G, V, d, dg, dgeom, dharm, h, hg, hgeom, hharm, d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0, h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of k.tree.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    TLS metrics derived from simulated TLS plots:

    • N.tls,,,,,, num.points,
      num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est, G.tls,,,,,, V.tls,,,,,, d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls, h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls, d.0.tls, dg.0.tls,
      dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls, h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls,
      hharm.0.tls, P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of k.tree.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    If a k.tree.plot element is included in the simulations argument, it must include at least id and k columns, one of the field estimate columns, and one of the TLS metrics columns.

  • angle.count.plot: data frame with field estimates and TLS metrics under the angle-count plot design. Each row corresponds to a (plot, BAF) pair, and all or one of the following columns are included:

    Plot identification and BAF:

    • id, BAF: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of angle.count.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    Variables estimated on the basis of simulated field plots:

    • N, G, V, d, dg, dgeom, dharm, h, hg, hgeom, hharm, d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0, h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of angle.count.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    TLS metrics derived from simulated TLS plots:

    • N.tls, N.pam, num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom,
      num.points.hom.est, G.tls, G.pam, V.tls, V.pam, d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls, h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls,
      d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls, h.0.tls,
      hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls, P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: same description and format as indicated for same named columns of angle.count.plot in simulations ‘Value’.

    If the angle.count.plot element is included in the simulations argument, it must contain at least id and BAF columns, one of the field estimates columns and one of the TLS metrics columns.


Optional character vector naming field estimates for which correlations between these and all the available TLS metrics will be computed. If this argument is specified by the user, it must include at least one of the following character strings: “N”, “G”, “V”, “d”, “dg”, “dgeom”, “dharm”, “d.0”, “dg.0”, “dgeom.0”, “dharm.0”, “h”, “hg”, “hgeom”, “hharm”, “h.0”, “hg.0”, “hgeom.0”, or “hharm.0”. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to

c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "d.0", "h", "h.0") by default. In both cases all the elements in the simulations argument must include at least the columns corresponding to the field estimates specified in the variables argument.


Optional character vector naming which correlation measurements will be used. If this argument is specified by the user, it must include at least one of the following character strings: “pearson” or “spearman”. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to c("pearson", "spearman") by default.


Optional logical indicating wheter or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section must be saved in dir.result or not. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as a consequence, the output files will be saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in the ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during execution.


For each radius, k or BAF value (according to the currently available plot designs: circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count), this function computes correlations between each variable estimated from field data specified in the variables argument and all the metrics derived from TLS data existing in the data frames included in the simulations argument.

Two correlation measures are implemented at present: Pearson's correlation coefficient and Spearman's rho. For each method, in addition to the estimated measure, the p-value of a test for association is also returned. The cor.test function from the utils package is used to compute both the estimated correlations and the p-values of the associated tests; more details about these measures and their tests for association can be found in the corresponding documentation. There cannot be missing data for three or more plots, and there cannot be zero standard deviation, in order to prevent missing correlation values for each (field estimation, TLS metric) pair and plot design parameter (radius, k or BAF).

Apart from estimated correlations and their corresponding p-values, for ecah method, the function also returns the plot design parameter and field estimates, the value of the optimal correlation (i.e. the maximum of the absolute value of available correlations) and the TLS metric to which it corresponds.



A list including the estimated correlations for each measure specified in the method argument will be generated. This will include all or any of the following named elements:

  • pearson: if “pearson” is not included in method parameter, missing; otherwise, the list will include the estimated Pearson's correlations for each plot design specified in the simulations argument. In the latter case, the list will include all or any of the following named elements:

    • fixed.area.plot: if the simulations argument does not have an element named “fixed.area.plot”, missing; otherwise, the matrix will include the estimated Pearson's correlations for a circular fixed area plot design. Each row will correspond to a radius value, and the following columns will be included:

      • radius: radius (m) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Column(s) ‘<x>.<y>’: numeric column(s) containing estimated Pearson's correlations between ‘<x>’, a field estimate, and ‘<y>’, a TLS metric.

    • k.tree.plot: if the simulations argument does not include an element named “k.tree.plot”, missing; otherwise, the matrix will include the estimated Pearson's correlations for a k-tree plot design. Each row will correspond to a k value, and the following columns will be included:

      • k: number of trees (trees) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Column(s) ‘<x>.<y>’: same description and format as indicated in correlations$pearson$fixed.area.plot element.

    • angle.count.plot: if the simulations argument does not have any element named “angle.count”, missing; otherwise, the matrix will include the estimated Pearson's correlations for the angle-count plot design. Each row will correspond to a BAF value, and the following columns will be included:

      • BAF: BAF (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Column(s) ‘<x>.<y>’: same description and format as indicated in correlations$pearson$fixed.area.plot element.

  • spearman: if “spearman” is not included in method parameter, missing; otherwise, the list will include the estimated Spearman's correlations for each plot design specified in simulations argument. In the latter case, the structure and format will be analogous to that indicated for the previous element but estimated Pearson's correlations will be replaced by Spearman's correlations.


List containing the p-value of the test for association corresponding to each measure specified in method argument. The structure and format will be the same as indicated for the previous element but estimated correlations will be replaced by p-values for their corresponding tests for association.


List containing the optimal correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond, for each measure specified in method argument. The list will will include all or any of the following named elements:

  • pearson: if “pearson” is not included in method parameter, missing; otherwise, the list will include the optimal Pearson's correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond, for each plot design specified in simulations argument. In the latter case, it will include all or any of the following named elements:

    • fixed.area.plot: if simulations argument does not have any element named “fixed.area.plot”, missing; otherwise, the data frame will include the optimal Pearson's correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond, for a circular fixed area plot design. Each row will correspond to a radius value, and the following columns will be included:

      • radius: radius (m) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Columns ‘<x>.cor’ and ‘<x>.metric’: the former, numeric column(s) including optimal Pearson's correlations between ‘<x>’, a field estimate, and all the available TLS metrics; and the latter, character column(s) will include names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond.

    • k.tree.plot: if the simulations argument does not have any element named “k.tree.plot”, missing; otherwise, the data frame will include the optimal Pearson's correlations and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond for the k-tree plot design. Each row will correspond to a k value, and the following columns will be included:

      • k: number of trees (trees) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Columns ‘<x>.cor’ and ‘<x>.metric’: same description and format as indicated in opt.correlations$pearson$fixed.area.plot element.

    • angle.count.plot: if the simulations argument does not have any element named “angle.count”, missing; otherwise, the data frame will include the optimal Pearson's correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond for the angle-count plot design. Each row will correspond to a BAF value, and the following columns will be included:

      • BAF: BAF (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Columns ‘<x>.cor’ and ‘<x>.metric’: same description and format as indicated in opt.correlations$pearson$fixed.area.plot element.

  • spearman: if “spearman” is not included in method parameter, missing; otherwise, the list will include the optimal Spearman's correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond, for each plot design specified in simulations argument. In the latter case, the structure and format will be analogous to that indicated for the previous element, but optimal Pearson's correlations will be replaced by Spearman's correlations.

Output Files

During the execution, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function prints to files the matrices and data frames included in correlations and opt.correlations elements described in ‘Value’. Both are written without row names in dir.result directory by using the write.csv function in the utils package. The patterns used for naming these files are ‘correlations.<plot design>.<method>.csv’ and ‘opt.correlations.<plot design>.plot.<method>.csv’ for correlation matrices and optimal correlation data frames, respectively, where ‘<plot design>’ is equal to “fixed.area.plot”, “k.tree.plot” or “angle.count.plot” according to plot design, and ‘<method>’ equals “pearson” or “spearman” according to the correlation measure.

Furthermore, if the save.result argument is TRUE, interactive line charts graphically representing correlations will also be created and saved in the dir.result directory by means of saveWidget function in the htmlwidgets package. Generated widgets enable users to consult correlation data directly on the plots, select/deselect different sets of traces, to zoom and scroll, etc. The pattern used for naming these files is ‘correlations.<x>.<plot design>.<method>.html’, where both ‘<plot design>’ and ‘<method>’ are as indicated for the previous described files, and ‘<x>’ is equal to any of elements specified in the variables argument.


This function is particularly useful for further steps related to model-based and model-assisted approaches, as correlations measure the strength of a relationship between two variables (linear for Pearson's correlation, monotonic for Spearman's correlation).


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.

See Also


cor.test in utils package.


# Load field estimates and TLS metrics corresponding to Rioja data set


# Establish directory where correlation results corresponding to the Rioja example
# will be saved. For instance, current working directory

# dir.result <- getwd()

# Compute correlations between field estimates and TLS metrics corresponding
# to Rioja example
# Pearson's and Spearman's correlations for variables by default

# corr <- correlations(simulations = Rioja.simulations, dir.result = dir.result)

# Pearson's and Spearman's correlations for variable 'N'

# corr <- correlations(simulations = Rioja.simulations, variables = "N",
#                      dir.result = dir.result)

# Only Pearson's correlations for variables by default

# corr <- correlations(simulations = Rioja.simulations, method = "pearson",
#                      dir.result = dir.result)

# Pearson's and Spearman's correlations corresponding to angle-count design for
# all available variables

# corr <- correlations(simulations = Rioja.simulations["angle.count"],
#                      variables <- c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "dgeom", "dharm",
#                                     "d.0", "dg.0", "dgeom.0", "dharm.0", "h",
#                                     "hg", "hgeom", "hharm", "h.0", "hg.0",
#                                     "hgeom.0", "hharm.0"),
#                      dir.result = dir.result)

Distance Sampling Methods for Correcting Occlusions Effects


Calculation of the probability of detection of every tree by using distance sampling methodologies (more specifically point transects methods), by means of fitting detection functions to the histogram of tree distribution according to their distance to TLS. Use both half normal and hazard rate functions, without and with dbh as covariate. These probabilities are used for correcting estimation bias caused by lack of detection of trees due to occlusion.


                  id.plots = NULL,
                  strata.attributes = NULL)



Data frame with a list of trees detected and their dbh and horizontal distances from TLS with the same structure and format as tree.detection.single.scan and tree.detection.several.plots ‘Value’.


Optional vector with plot identification encoded as character string or numeric for the plots considered. In this case, tree.tls argument must include a common column named ‘id’. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default, and as a consequence, all plots will be considered.


Optional data frame inluding plot radius considered at strata level. It must contain a column named ‘stratum’ (numeric) with encoding coinciding with that used in previous functions (normalize, tree.detection.single.scan and tree.detection.several.plots) for identifying strata. Therefore, strata must heve been included previously in ‘tree.tls’. Another column named ‘plot.radius’ (numeric) will be required to set maximum horizontal distance (m) considered for fitting detection probability functions. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default, and as a consequence, all trees will be included.


All internal functions related to distance sampling methodologies are fitted with the ds function included in the Distance package.

Detection functions are left-truncated at 1 m, according to Astrup et al., (2014).

Same warning messages as ds function are provided when fits do not converge or another warnings occur.

For further details on these point transects methods and similar sampling methodologies, as well as their application with R, see Buckland et al., (2001); Marques & Buckland, (2003); Miller & Thomas, (2015) and Clark (2016). Examples of distance sampling analyses, as well as lectures, are available at and


List containing the following elements:


Data frame with detection probabilities for every tree and method.

  • stratum: stratum identification (coincident with strata of tree.tls). If there are not strata, it will be set as a single stratum encoded as 1 (numeric).

  • id: plot identification (coincident with id of tree.tls).

  • tree: tree numbering (coincident with tree of tree.tls).

  • tree detection probability according to half normal function.

  • tree detection probability according to half normal function with dbh as covariate.

  • tree detection probability according to half rate function.

  • tree detection probability according to half rate function with dbh as covariate.


Data frame with parameters estimated for detection functions (see references for understanding their meaning).

  • scale parameter for half normal function (sigma).

  • alpha.0 parameter of scale parameter for half normal function with dbh as covariate.

  • alpha.1 parameter of scale parameter for half normal function with dbh as covariate.

  • scale parameter for half rate function (sigma).

  • shape parameter for half rate function (b).

  • alpha.0 parameter of scale parameter for half normal function with dbh as covariate.

  • alpha.1 parameter of scale parameter for half normal function with dbh as covariate.

  • shape parameter for half rate function with dbh as covariate (b).


Data frame with Akaike information criterions (AIC) of every detection function fit.

  • AIC of half normal function fit.

  • AIC of half normal function with dbh as covariate fit.

  • AIC of half rate function fit.

  • AIC of half rate function with dbh as covariate fit.


Although this step is optional for other functionalities of FORTLS, such as obtaining metrics and assessing the best plot designs (implemented in metrics.variables, correlations, relative.bias and, its inclusion is highly recommended, especially with high rates of occlusions.

Note that this function could be more useful after assessing the best possible plot design with estimation.plot.size, correlations, relative.bias or functions.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.


Astrup, R., Ducey, M. J., Granhus, A., Ritter, T., & von Lüpke, N. (2014). Approaches for estimating stand-level volume using terrestrial laser scanning in a single-scan mode. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 44(6), 666-676. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2013-0535.

Buckland, S. T., Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., Laake, J. L., Borchers, D. L., & Thomas, L. (2001). Introduction to distance sampling: estimating abundance of biological populations, Oxford, United Kindown, Oxford University Press.

Clark, R. G. (2016). Statistical efficiency in distance sampling. PloS one, 11(3), e0149298. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149298.

Marques, F. F., & Buckland, S. T. (2003). Incorporating covariates into standard line transect analyses. Biometrics, 59(4), 924-935. doi:10.1111/j.0006-341X.2003.00107.x.

Miller, D. L., & Thomas, L. (2015). Mixture models for distance sampling detection functions. PloS one, 10(3), e0118726. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118726.

See Also

tree.detection.single.scan, tree.detection.several.plots, metrics.variables, simulations.

ds in Distance package.


# Loading example data


tree.tls <-$tree.tls

# Whithout considering maximum distance

ds <- distance.sampling(tree.tls)

Assess Consistency of Metrics for Simulated TLS Plots


Plots empirical linear charts of density (N, trees/ha) and basal area (G, m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) estimates (derived from simulated TLS plots) as a function of plot size (estimation-size charts) for different plot designs (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count), through continuous size increments (radius, k and BAF respectively). Size increments are set at 0.1 m, 1 tree and 0.1 m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha for fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plot designs, respectively. These size-estimation line charts represent the consistency in predicting the stand variables across different values of radius, k and BAF. Size-estimation charts can be drawn for individual sample plots (including all plots together in the same charts) or for mean values (global mean computed for all the sample plots, or for group means if different strata are considered). Finally, different plot designs can be compared if specified in the arguments, producing one size-estimation chart per variable (N and G).


                     plot.parameters = data.frame(radius.max = 25,
                                                  k.max = 50,
                                                  BAF.max = 4),
                     dbh.min = 4,
                     average = FALSE, all.plot.designs = FALSE)



Data frame with information of trees detected from TLS point cloud data in the same format as tree.detection.single.scan and tree.detection.multi.scan ‘Value’.


Optional data frame containing parameters for circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plot designs. The parameters are as follows:

  • radius.max: maximum plot radius (m) considered for circular fixed area plots. If the radius.max specified is larger than the farthest tree from the plot centre, the horizontal distance from the farthest tree will be considered the maximum radius. By default, the radius.max will be 25 m.

  • k.tree.max: maximum number of trees considered for k-tree plots. If k.tree.max specified is larger than the maximum number of trees of the densest plot, this number of trees will be considered the maximum k.tree.max. By default, k.tree.max is 50.

  • BAF.max: maximum basal area factor (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) considered for angle-count plots. By default, BAF.max is 4.


Optional minimum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 4 cm.


Logical; if TRUE, plot means values and standard deviation of estimations will be represented. By default, it will be set as FALSE.


Logical; if TRUE, charts for each plot design are drawn together. By default, it will be set as FALSE.


If there are strata in the tree.tls argument, they will be differentiated in charts with different colours. Strata must be specified in a numeric column named stratum.

The all.plot.designs argument only works for single strata, and therefore if there are additional strata in the tree.tls argument, they will be considered equal.

The outputs of this function are inspired by Fig. 3 of Brunner and Gizachew (2014).


Invisible NULL


Mean values are relevant when plots are representing homogenous strata.

Note that this is an option for choosing the best plot design when field data are not available. Otherwise, using correlations, relative.bias and will be more desirable for obtaining the best possible plot design.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.


Brunner, A., & Gizachew, B. (2014). Rapid detection of stand density, tree positions, and tree diameter with a 2D terrestrial laser scanner. European Journal of Forest Research, 133(5), 819-831.

See Also

tree.detection.single.scan, tree.detection.multi.scan, tree.detection.several.plots


# Loading dataset with trees detected from TLS single-scans


tree.tls <-$tree.tls

# Without strata and plot parameters by default


estimation.plot.size(tree.tls, average = TRUE)

estimation.plot.size(tree.tls, all.plot.designs = TRUE)

Compute Metrics and Variables for Terrestrial-Based Technologies Point Clouds


This function computes a set of metrics and variables from the Terrestrial-Based Technologies point cloud data, which have a high potential to be related or used as direct estimates (in the case of variables) of forest attributes at plot level. These can be obtained for different plot designs (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plots). This function also includes methodologies for correcting occlusions generated in TLS single-scan point clouds.


metrics.variables(tree.tls, tree.ds = NULL, tree.field = NULL,
         = c("fixed.area", "k.tree", "angle.count"),
                  plot.parameters = data.frame(radius = 25, k = 10, BAF = 2),
                  scan.approach = "single",
                  var.metr = list(tls = NULL, field = NULL),
                  v.calc = "parab", dbh.min = 4, h.min = 1.3,
                  max.dist = Inf, = NULL,
                  save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)



Data frame with information about trees detected from terrestrial-based technologies point clouds data in the same format as tree.detection.single.scan or tree.detection.multi.scan ‘Values’.


Optional list containing detection probabilities of trees with distance sampling methods. The format must be the same as the ‘Value’ obtained with distance.sampling. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, TLS metrics using distance sampling based correction will not be calculated for circular fixed area and k-tree plot designs.


Data frame with information about trees measured in the field plots. Each row must correspond to a (plot, tree) pair, and it must include at least the following columns:

  • id: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. Plot identifications must coincide with those included in id column of the tree.tls argument.

  • tree: trees numbering.

  • h.dist: horizontal distance (m) from plot centre to tree centre. Centres of the field plots must coincide with centres of their corresponding Terrestrial-based technologies plots.

  • dbh: tree diameter (cm) at breast height (1.3 m).

  • h: tree total height (m).

  • h.blc: height based live crown (m) (optional).

  • h.bdc: height based dead crown (m) (optional).

  • v.user: tree volume (m^3) (optional).

  • w.user: tree biomass (Mg) (optional).

  • dead: integer value indicating for each tree if it is dead (1) or not (NA).

Vector containing the plot designs considered. By default, all plot designs will be considered (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plots).


Data frame containing parameters for circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plot designs. If there is a stratum column in the tree.list.tls argument, it must have the same number of rows as strata values and they must be named using strata encoding. If plot parameters are not specified, the corresponding plot designs will not be considered in the function. If no parameter is specified, the function will stop giving an error message! The parameters are as follows:

  • radius: plot radius (m) considered for circular fixed area plots. Absence of this argument rules out this plot design.

  • k.tree: number of trees (trees) considered for k-tree plots. Absence of this argument rules out this plot design.

  • BAF: basal area factor (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) considered for angle-count plots. Absence of this argument rules out this plot design.

  • num.trees: number of dominant trees per ha (tree/ha), i.e. those with largest dbh, considered for calculating dominant diameters and heights. In the absence of this argument, the number will be assumed to be 100 trees/ha.


Character parameter indicating TLS single-scan (‘single’) or TLS multi-scan approach or SLAM point clouds (‘multi’) approaches. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to ‘multi’ approach.


Optional vector containing all the metrics and variables of interest. By default it will be set as NULL and thus, all the metrics and variables available will be generated.


Optional parameter to calculate volume when is not included in tree.tls input data.


Optional minimum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 4 cm.


Optional minimum h (m) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 1.3 m.


Optional argument to specify the maximum horizontal distance considered in which trees will be included.

Optional character string naming the absolute path of the directory where TXT files containing TLS point clouds are located. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in, and TXT files in the directory must have the same description and format as indicated for TXT files in normalize ‘Output Files’. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.dat during the execution.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section must be saved in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as consequence, the output files will be saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


This function also works for several plots. In this case, a column named "id" to identify plots (string character or numeric) must be included in the tree.list.tls database argument. This must coincide with the corresponding "id" assigned in normalize to TXT files saved in (for more details see normalize). In addition, if there are several strata, they can be processed separately according to plot.parameters values (where each row will represent one stratum). If tree.list.tls does not include a specific "stratum" column, it will be assumed to have only one stratum, which will be encoded according to rownames(plot.parameters)[1].

Using TLS data, this function computes metrics and estimations of variables (see ‘Value’) for plot design specified in the plot.parameters argument. The notation used for variables is based on IUFRO (1959).

At this stage, three plot designs are available:

  • Circular fixed area plots, simulated only if a radius value is specified in the plot.parameters argument.

  • k-tree plots, simulated only if a k.tree value is specified in the plot.parameters argument.

  • Angle-count plots, simulated only if a BAF value is specified in the plot.parameters argument.

Volume is estimated modelling stem profile as a paraboloid and calculating the volumes of revolution; where trees dbh are estimated in tree.detection.single.scan and tree.detection.multi.scan, and total heights are estimated as percentile 99 of z coordinate of points delimited by Voronoi polygons.

Regarding occlusion corrections for estimating variables, apart from distance sampling methods considered in distance.sampling, another occlusion corection based on correcting the shadowing effect (Seidel & Ammer, 2014) has been included to estimate some variables in circular fixed area and k-tree plots. In the case of angle-count plots, occlusion corrections are based on gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS depending on Poisson model (Strahler et al., 2008; Lovell et al., 2011).


List including TLS-based metrics and variables computed for plot designs considered. The list will contain one element per plot design considered (fixed.area.plot, k.tree.plot and angle.count.plot):


If no value for plot.radius is specified in the plot.parameters argument, NULL; otherwise, the data frame will include TLS metrics and variables estimated in a circular fixed area plot design (rows represent simulations). The data frame will have the following columns:

Stratum, plot identification and radius:

  • stratum: stratum identification encoded as a character string or numeric. It must coincide with those included in the stratum column of tree.list.tls.

  • id: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. It will coincide with those included in the id column of tree.list.tls and, if applicable, the distance.sampling argument.

  • radius: radius (m) of the simulated plot.

Terrestrial-Based Technologies variables:

  • N.tls: stand density (trees/ha) without occlusion corrections.

  •,,, stand density (trees/ha) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies (see distance.sampling). These columns will not appear if the distance.sampling argument is NULL.

  • stand density (trees/ha) with correction of the shadowing effect. respectively).

  • G.tls: stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) without occlusion corrections.

  •,,, stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies (see distance.sampling). These columns are missing if distance.sampling argument is NULL.

  • stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) with correction of the shadowing effect.

  • V.tls: stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha) without occlusion corrections.

  •,,, stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies (see distance.sampling). These columns will be missing if the distance.sampling argument is NULL.

  • stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha) with correction of the shadowing effect.

  • d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls: mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls: mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls: dominant mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls: dominant mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

Terrestrial-Based Technologies metrics:

  • n.pts, n.pts.est,, number of points and estimated number of points (points) belonging to trees normal sections (+/- 5 cm) in the original point cloud (n.pts and n.pts.est, respectively); and number of points and estimated number of points (points) belonging to trees normal sections (+/- 5 cm) in the reduced point cloud ( and, respectively).

  • P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: height percentiles derived from z coordinates of TLS point clouds relative to ground level (m).

  • mean.arit.z/rho/phi, mean.qua.z/rho/phi, mean.geom.z/rho/phi, mean.harm.z/rho/phi, median.z/rho/phi, mode.z/rho/phi: central tendency statistics for z, rho (horizontal distance) and r (euclidean distance) coordinates (arithmetic, quadratic, geometrical and harmonic means, median and mode, respectively).

  • var.z/rho/phi, sd.z/rho/phi, CV.z/rho/phi, D.z/rho/phi, ID.z/rho/phi, max.z/rho/phi, min.z/rho/phi: dispersion tendency statistics for z, rho and r coordinates (variance, standar deviation, coefficient of variation, range, interquartile range, maximum and minimum, respectively).

  • kurt.z/rho/phi, skw.z/rho/phi: curtosis and skewness, respectively.

  • L1.z/rho/phi, L2.z/rho/phi, L3.z/rho/phi, L4.z/rho/phi, L-CV.z/rho/phi, MAD-median.z/rho/phi, MAD-mode.z/rho/phi: L-moments of order 2, 3 and 4, median of the absolute deviations from the overall median and mode of the absolute deviations from the overall mode, respectively.

  •, third and fourth central moments, respectively.

  • PA.2m, PA.mean.z, PA.mode.z: percentage of laser returns above 2 m, mean and mode, respectively.

  • PB.2m, PB.mean.z, PB.median.z, PB.mode.z: percentage of laser returns below 2 m, mean and mode, respectively.

  • weibull.b.z/rho/phi, weibull.c.z/rho/phi: scale and shape parameters, respectively, for Weibull distribution fitted for z coordinates of TLS point clouds relative to ground level.


If no value for k.tree is specified in the plot.parameters argument, NULL; otherwise, the data frame will include TLS metrics and variables estimated in the k-tree plot design (rows represent simulations). The data frame will include the following columns (same description and format as indicated in fixed.area.plot element):

Stratum, plot identification and k:

  • stratum: stratum identification encoded as character string or numeric. It must coincide with those included in the stratum column of tree.list.tls.

  • id: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric value. It will coincide with those included in id column of tree.list.tls or, if applicable, the distance.sampling argument.

  • k: number of trees in the simulated plot.

Terrestrial-Based Technologies variables:

  • N.tls,,,,,,
    d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls,
    h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls,
    d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls,
    h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls

Terrestrial-Based Technologies metrics:

  • num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est,
    P01,P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: same description and format as indicated in fixed.area.plot element.


If no value for BAF is specified in the plot.parameters argument, NULL; otherwise, the data frame will include TLS metrics and variables estimated in the angle-count plot design (rows represent simulations). The data frame will include the following columns:

Stratum, plot identification and BAF:

  • stratum: stratum identification encoded as character string or numeric. It must coincide with those included in stratum column of tree.list.tls.

  • id: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. It will coincide with those included in the id column of tree.list.tls.

  • BAF: BAF (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) of the simulated plot.

Terrestrial-Based Technologies variables:

  • N.tls: same description and format as indicated in the fixed.area.plot element.

  • N.pam: stand density (trees/ha) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS. fixed.area.plot element.

  • G.tls: same description and format as indicated for the fixed.area.plot element.

  • G.pam: stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance from TLS.

  • V.tls: same description and format as indicated for the fixed.area.plot element.

  • V.pam: stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance from TLS.

  • d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls,
    h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls,
    d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls,
    h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls

Terrestrial-Based Technologies metrics:

  • num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est,
    P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: same description and format as indicated for the fixed.area.plot element.

Output Files

After computing metrics and variables, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function will save the elements in the list described in ‘Value’ (fixed.area.plot, k.tree.plot and angle.count.plot), which are different from NULL as CSV files. Data frames are written without row names in the dir.result directory by using write.csv function from the utils package. The pattern used for naming these files is ‘metrics.variables.<plot design>.csv’, being ‘<plot design>’ equal to “fixed.area.plot”, “k.tree.plot” or “angle.count.plot” according to the plot design.


In order to optimize plot designs and, therefore, for better use of metrics.variables, other functions such as correlations, relative.bias and estimation.plot.size should be used.

This function will be updated as new metrics are developed.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero, Adela Martínez-Calvo.


IUFRO (1959). Standarization of symbols in forest mensuration. Vienna, Austria, IUFRO.

Lovell, J. L., Jupp, D. L. B., Newnham, G. J., & Culvenor, D. S. (2011). Measuring tree stem diameters using intensity profiles from ground-based scanning lidar from a fixed viewpoint. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(1), 46-55. doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.08.006

Seidel, D., & Ammer, C. (2014). Efficient measurements of basal area in short rotation forests based on terrestrial laser scanning under special consideration of shadowing. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 7(4), 227. doi:10.3832/ifor1084-007

Strahler, A. H., Jupp, D. L. B., Woodcock, C. E., Schaaf, C. B., Yao, T., Zhao, F., Yang, X., Lovell, J., Culvenor, D., Newnham, G., Ni-Miester, W., & Boykin-Morris, W. (2008). Retrieval of forest structural parameters using a ground-based lidar instrument (Echidna®). Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(sup2), S426-S440. doi:10.5589/m08-046

See Also

tree.detection.single.scan, tree.detection.multi.scan, tree.detection.several.plots, distance.sampling, normalize.


# Establishment of working directories (optional)
# By default here we propose the current working directory of the R process <- getwd()
dir.result <- getwd()

# Loading example data included in FORTLS

tree.tls <-$tree.tls
tree.tls <- tree.tls[tree.tls$id == "1", ]

# Download example of TXT file corresponding to plot 1 from Rioja data set

download.file(url = "",
              destfile = file.path(, "1.txt"), mode = "wb")

# Considering distance sampling methods (only for single-scan approaches)

# ds <- distance.sampling(tree.tls)

met.var.TLS <- metrics.variables(tree.tls = tree.tls,
                                 # tree.ds = ds,
                                 plot.parameters = data.frame(radius = 10, k = 10, BAF = 2),
                        =, dir.result = dir.result)

Relative Coordinates and Density Reduction for Terrestrial-Based Technologies Point Clouds


This function obtains coordinates relative to the plot centre speciefied for Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Mobile Laser Scanner (MLS) point clouds (supplied as LAS or LAZ files). Point clouds obtained from other devices/approaches (e.g. photogrammetry) can be also used, but the guarantee of good performance is likely to be lower. In addition, the point cropping process developed by Molina-Valero et al., (2019) is applied as a criterion for reducing point density homogeneously in space and proportionally to object size when TLS single-scans are provided.


normalize(las, normalized = NULL,
 = NULL, = NULL,
          x.side = NULL, y.side = NULL,
          max.dist = NULL, min.height = NULL, max.height = 50,
          algorithm.dtm = "knnidw", res.dtm = 0.2,
          csf = list(cloth_resolution = 0.5),
          intensity = NULL, RGB = NULL,
          scan.approach = "single",
          id = NULL, file = NULL, plot = TRUE,
 = NULL, save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)



Character string containing the name of LAS file belonging to TLS point cloud, including .las extension (see ‘Examples’). Planimetric coordinates of point cloud data must be in local, representing TLS scan point the origin with Cartesian coordinates x and y as (0, 0).


Optional argument to establish as TRUE when point cloud is already normalized.

Planimetric x center coordinate of point cloud data.

Planimetric y center coordinate of point cloud data.


x-side (m) of the plot when the plot is square or rectangular.


y-side (m) of the plot when the plot is square or rectangular.


Optional maximum horizontal distance (m) considered from the plot centre. All points farther than max.dist will be discarded after the normalization process. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, all points will be used in processing, with max.dist representing the farthest point.


Optional minimum height (m) considered from ground level. All points below min.height will be discarded after the normalization process. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, all points will be used in processing, with min.height representing the lowest point.


Optional maximum height (m) considered from ground level. All points above max.height will be discarded after the normalization process. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, all points will be used in processing, with max.height representing the highest point.


Algorithm used to generate the digital terrain model (DTM) from the TLS point cloud. There are two posible options based on spatial interpolation: ‘tin’ and ‘knnidw’ (see ‘Details’). If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to ‘knnidw’ algorithm.


Numeric parameter. Resolution of the DTM generated to normalize point cloud (see ‘Details’). If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to 0.2 m.


List containing parameters of CSF algorithm:

  • cloth_resolution: by default 0.5.


Character parameter indicating TLS single-scan (‘single’) or TLS multi-scan approach or SLAM point clouds (‘multi’) approaches. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to ‘multi’ approach.


Logical parameter useful when point clouds have LiDAR intesinty values.


Logical parameter useful when point clouds are colorized, thus including values of RGB colors. It is based on the Green Leaf Algorithm (GLA) (see ‘Details’).


Optional plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the plot will be encoded as 1.


Optional file name identification encoded as character string or numeric value. If it is null, file will be encoded as id by default.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the normalized point cloud will be plot. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as consequence, the normalized point cloud will be plot.

Optional character string naming the absolute path of the directory where LAS files containing TLS point clouds are located. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to during the execution.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section must be saved in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as consequence, the output files will be saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


Relative coordinates are obtained by means of a normalization process, generating a digital terrain model (DTM) from the TLS point cloud, with the ground height set at 0 m. The DTM is generated by spatial interpolation of ground points classified with the CSF algorithm (Zhang et al., (2016)). Two algorithms are available for that purpose: (i) spatial interpolation based on a Delaunay triangulation, which performs a linear interpolation within each triangle (‘tin’); (ii) spatial interpolation using a k-nearest neighbour (KNN) approach with inverse-distance weighting (IDW) (‘knnidw’). Note that normalization process is based on lidR package functions: classify_ground, grid_terrain and normalize_height.

The point cropping process reduces the point cloud density proportionally to the likelihood that objects will receive points according to their distance from TLS and their size, which is determined by angle aperture (the farther they are, the lower the density is). The result is an approximately homogeneous point cloud in three-dimensional space (for more details see Molina-Valero et al., (2019)).

The Green Leaf Algorithm (GLA) is calculated according to Louhaichi et al., (2001)as follows:

Those points with values below 0 are clasified as woody parts, thus retained for tree detection in further functions.


Data frame of normalized point cloud including the following columns (each row corresponds to one point):


Plot identification encoded as a character string or numeric in the argument id.


File name identification encoded as character string or numeric, corresponding to the normalized and reduced point clouds saved. This coincides with the TXT file in the absolute path specified in dir.result (if save.result is set to TRUE).


Cartesian (according to notation):

  • x: x axis distance (m).

  • y: y axis distance (m).

  • z: height (m).

Cylindrical (according to notation):

  • rho: horizontal distance (m).

  • phi: angular coordinate (rad).

  • z: height (m).

Spherical (according to notation):

  • r: radial distance (m).

  • theta: polar angle (rad).

  • phi: azimuthal angle (rad)


Slope of the terrain (rad).


Intensity (only if point cloud has intensity values and specified in arguments).


Red (only if point cloud is colorized and specified in arguments).


Green (only if point cloud is colorized and specified in arguments).


Blue (only if point cloud is colorized and specified in arguments).


Green Leaf Algorithm (only if point cloud is colorized and specified in arguments).


selection probability assigned in point cropping process (0-1]. Only the farthest will have probability of 1.

final selection probability assigned in point cropping process. Selected (1) and discarded point (0).

Output Files

At the end of the normalization process, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function will save the reduced point cloud as TXT file and encoded according to file argument. The format is the same as data frame described in ‘Value’, except for a prob column, which is removed because all points selected after the point cropping process have a final selection probability of 1. The data frame is written without row names in dir.result directory using the vroom_write function in the vroom package.


Note that max.dist, min.height and max.height arguments may be useful for optimizing computing time as well as for removing unnecessary and/or outlier points. These values may be selected more appropriately when inventory data are already available, or the user has some knowledge about autoecology of scanned tree species.

Note also that the linear interpolation algorithm (‘tin’ in this package) showed the highest accuracy in Liang et al., (2018) in DTM generation with single-scans. In this work a DTM resolution of 0.2 m was also considered adequately for square plots of 32 x 32 m.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.


Liang, X., Hyyppä, J., Kaartinen, H., Lehtomäki, M., Pyörälä, J., Pfeifer, N., ... & Wang, Y. (2018). International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventories. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 144, 137-179. doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.06.021

Louhaichi, M., Borman, M. M., & Johnson, D. E. (2001). Spatially located platform and aerial photography for documentation of grazing impacts on wheat. Geocarto International, 16(1), 65-70. doi:10.1080/10106040108542184

Molina-Valero J. A., Ginzo-Villamayor M. J., Novo Pérez M. A., Álvarez-González J. G., & Pérez-Cruzado C. (2019). Estimación del área basimétrica en masas maduras de Pinus sylvestris en base a una única medición del escáner laser terrestre (TLS). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Espanola de Ciencias Forestales, 45(3), 97-116. doi:10.31167/csecfv0i45.19887.

Zhang, W., Qi, J., Wan, P., Wang, H., Xie, D., Wang, X., & Yan, G. (2016). An easy-to-use airborne LiDAR data filtering method based on cloth simulation. Remote Sensing, 8(6), 501. doi:10.3390/rs8060501.

See Also

tree.detection.single.scan, tree.detection.multi.scan, tree.detection.several.plots.


# Establishment of working directories (optional)
# By default here we propose the current working directory of the R process <- getwd()
dir.result <- getwd()


# Loading example TLS data (LAZ file) to

              destfile = file.path(, "PinusRadiata.laz"),
              mode = "wb")

# Normalizing the whole point cloud data without considering arguments

pcd <- normalize(las = "PinusRadiata.laz",

                 id = "PinusRadiata",

        =, dir.result = dir.result)


# Loading example MLS data (LAZ file) to

              destfile = file.path(, "PiceaAbies.laz"),
              mode = "wb")

# Normalizing the whole point cloud data without considering arguments

pcd <- normalize(las = "PiceaAbies.laz",

                 id = "PiceaAbies",

                 scan.approach = "multi",

        =, dir.result = dir.result)

Optimize Plot Design Based on Optimal Correlations


Generation of interactive heatmaps graphically represent the optimal correlations between variables estimated from field data, and metrics derived from TLS data. These data must be derived from any of the three different plot designs currently available (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count) and correspond to plots with incremental values for the plot design parameter (radius, k and BAF, respectively). In addition, correlation measures that are currently admissible are Pearson's correlation coefficient and/or Spearman's rho.

                     variables = c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "d.0", "h", "h.0"),
                     dir.result = NULL)



List including the optimal correlations between field estimations and TLS metrics. The structure and format must be analogous to the opt.correlations element in the output returned by the correlations function. In particular, the list must include at least one of the following named elements:

  • pearson: list containing the optimal Pearson's correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond. It must include at least one of the following named elements:

    • fixed.area.plot: data frame containing the optimal Pearson's correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond, under circular fixed area plot design. Each row will correspond to a radius value, and the data frame will include the following columns:

      • radius: radius (m) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Columns ‘<x>.cor’ and ‘<x>.metric’: the former, numeric column(s) containing optimal Pearson's correlations between ‘<x>’, a field estimate, and the available TLS metrics when correlations function was executed; and the latter, character column(s) containing names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond.

      If fixed.area.plot is included in pearson element, it must contain at least the radius column and a (‘<x>.cor’, ‘<x>.metric’) pair of columns corresponding to the same field estimation.

    • k.tree.plot: data frame including the optimal Pearson's correlations and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond, under the k-tree plot design. Each row will correspond to a k value, and the following columns will be included:

      • k: number of trees (trees) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated correlations.

      • Columns ‘<x>.cor’ and ‘<x>.metric’: same description and format as indicated in correlations$pearson$fixed.area.plot element.

      If k.tree.plot is included in pearson element, it must contain at least k column, and a (‘<x>.cor’, ‘<x>.metric’) pair of columns corresponding to the same field estimation.

    • angle.count.plot: data frame including the optimal Pearson's correlations and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond, for the angle-count plot design. Each row will correspond to a BAF value, and the data frame will include the following columns:

      • BAF: BAF (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) of the simulated plots used to compute the estimated correlations.

      • Columns ‘<x>.cor’ and ‘<x>.metric’: same description and format as indicated in correlations$pearson$fixed.area.plot element.

      If the angle.count.plot is included in the pearson element, it must include at least the BAF column and a (‘<x>.cor’, ‘<x>.metric’) pair of columns corresponding to the same field estimation.

  • spearman: list containing the optimal Spearman's correlations, and the names of the TLS metrics to which they correspond. The structure and format will be analogous to that indicated for the previous element but with optimal Pearson's correlations replaced by Spearman's correlations.


Optional character vector naming field estimations whose optimal correlations will be represented graphically in the heatmaps generated during the execution. If this argument is specified by the user, it must include at least one of the following character strings: “N”, “G”, “V”, “d”, “dg”, “dgeom”, “dharm”, “d.0”, “dg.0”, “dgeom.0”, “dharm.0”, “h”, “hg”, “hgeom”, “hharm”, “h.0”, “hg.0”, “hgeom.0”, or “hharm.0”. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "d.0", "h", "h.0") by default. In both cases, all data frames in the correlations argument must have at least the (‘<x>.cor’, ‘<x>.metric’) pairs corresponding to the field estimations specified in the variables argument.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


This function represents graphically, by means of interactive heatmaps, the strongest correlations (positive or negative) for each plot design and size simulated, between the estimated variables based on field data specified in the variables argument, and metrics derived from TLS data, under circular fixed area, k-tree and/or angle-count plot designs.

Two correlation measures are implemented at present: Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rho. Hence, only optimal correlations based on correlations arguments will be taken into account during the execution.

For each correlation measure and plot design, at least one no missing value for optimal correlations must be represented; otherwise, execution will be stopped, and an error message will appear. In addition, at least two different no missing values for optimal correlations are required to ensure that the colour palette is correctly applied when the heatmap is generated.


Invisible NULL.

Output Files

During the execution, interactive heatmaps graphically representing optimal correlations values between field estimations and TLS metrics are created and saved in dir.result directory by means of the saveWidget function in the htmlwidgets package. The widgets generated allow users to consult optimal correlations values and TLS metrics to which they correspond directly on the plots, to zoom and scroll, and so on. The pattern used for naming these files is ‘opt.correlations.<plot design>.<method>.html’, where ‘<plot design>’ equals “fixed.area.plot”, “k.tree.plot” or “angle.count.plot” according to plot design, and ‘<method>’ equals “pearson” or “spearman” according to correlation measure.


This function is key to choosing the best possible plot design (in terms of correlation measures) considering all variables of interest before establishing definitive sampling design.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.

See Also



# Load field estimations and TLS metrics corresponding to Rioja data set


# Compute correlations between field estimations and TLS metrics corresponding
# to Rioja example, and select optimal correlations results

corr <- correlations(simulations = Rioja.simulations,
                     variables = c("N", "G", "d", "dg", "dgeom","dharm",
                                   "d.0", "dg.0", "dgeom.0", "dharm.0", "h",
                                   "hg", "hgeom", "hharm", "h.0", "hg.0",
                                   "hgeom.0", "hharm.0"),
                     save.result = FALSE)

opt.corr <- corr$opt.correlations

# Establish directory where optimal correlations heatmaps corresponding to Rioja
# example will be saved. For instance, current working directory

dir.result <- getwd()

# Generate heatmaps for optimal correlations between field estimations and TLS
# metrics corresponding to Rioja example
# Optimal Pearson's and Spearman's correlations for variables by default

# = opt.corr, dir.result = dir.result)

# Optimal Pearson's and Spearman's correlations for variables 'N' and 'G' = opt.corr, variables = c("N", "G"),
                     dir.result = dir.result)

Relative Bias Between Field Estimations and TLS metrics


Computes relative bias between variables estimated from field data and their TLS counterparts derived from TLS data. Field estimates and TLS metrics for a common set of plots are required in order to compute relative bias. These data must come from any of the three different plot designs currently available (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count) and correspond to plots with incremental values for the plot design parameter (radius, k and BAF, respectively). In addition to computing relative bias, interactive line charts graphically representing the values obtained between each field estimate and its related TLS metrics are also generated.


              variables = c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "d.0", "h", "h.0"),
              save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)



List containing variables estimated from field data and metrics derived from TLS data. The structure and format must be analogous to output returned by the simulations function. In particular, teh list must include at least one of the following named elements:

  • fixed.area.plot: same description and format as indicated for same named element in simulations argument of correlations function. The only difference is the columns required when it is included in the argument: in adittion to id, radius and at least one of the field estimate columns, it must include at least one TLS counterpart for each field estimate condidered.

  • k.tree.plot: same description and format as indicated for same named element in simulations argument of correlations function. The only difference is the columns required when it is included in the argument: in adittion to id, k and at least one of the field estimate columns, it must include at least one TLS counterpart for each field estimate considered.

  • angle.count.plot: same description and format as indicated for the same named element in the simulations argument of correlations function. The only difference is the columns that are required when this element is included in the argument: in adittion to id, BAF and at least one of the field estimate columns, it must contain at least one TLS counterpart for each field estimate considered.


Optional character vector naming field estimates for which the relative bias between them and all their available TLS counterparts will be computed. If this argument is specified by the user, it must contain at least one of the following character strings: “N”, “G”, “V”, “d”, “dg”, “dgeom”, “dharm”, “d.0”, “dg.0”, “dgeom.0”, “dharm.0”, “h”, “hg”, “hgeom”, “hharm”, “h.0”, “hg.0”,
hgeom.0”, or “hharm.0”. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "d.0", "h", "h.0") by default. In both cases, all the elements in simulations argument must include at least the columns corresponding to the field estimations specified in the variables argument.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section must be saved in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as a consequence, the output files will be saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


For each radius, k or BAF value (according to the currently available plot designs: circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count), this function computes the relative bias between each variable estimated from field data, and specified in the variables argument, and their counterparts derived from TLS data, and existing in the data frames included in the simulations argument. TLS metrics considered counterparts for each field estimate are detailed below (see simulations ‘Value’ function for details about used notation):

  • TLS counterparts for N are N.tls,,,, and in the fixed area and k-tree plot designs; and N.tls and N.pam in the angle-count plot design.

  • TLS counterparts for G are G.tls,,,, and in the fixed area and k-tree plot designs; and G.tls and G.pam in the angle-count plot design.

  • TLS counterparts for V are V.tls,,,, and in the fixed area and k-tree plot designs; and V.tls and V.pam in the angle-count plot design.

  • TLS counterparts for d, dg, dgeom, dharm, d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, and dharm.0 are, respectively: d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls, d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls,
    and dharm.0.tls in any of the three available plot designs.

  • TLS counterparts for h, hg, hgeom, hharm, h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, and hharm.0 are, respectively h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls, h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, and
    hharm.0.tls in any of the three available plot designs. In adittion, P99 is also taken into account as a counterpart for all these field estimates.

The relative bias between a field estimation and any of its TLS counterparts is estimated as follows

1ni=1nyi1ni=1nxi1ni=1nxi100\frac{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^{n}{y_{i}} - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^{n}{x_{i}}}{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^{n}{x_{i}}} * 100

where xix_{i} and yiy_{i} are the values of the field estimate and its TLS counterpart, respectively, corresponding to plot ii for i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots, n.



If no “fixed.area.plot” element exists in simulations argument, missing; otherwise, the matrix will include estimates of the the relative bias under circular fixed area plot design between each field estimation specified in variables argument and its TLS counterpart(s) existing in the “fixed.area.plot” element in the simulations argument. Each row will correspond to a radius value, and the following columns will be included:

  • radius: radius (m) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated relative bias.

  • Column(s) ‘<x>.<y>’: numeric column(s) containing estimated relative bias between ‘<x>’, a field estimation, and ‘<y>’, a TLS counterpart.


If no “k.tree.plot” element exists in the simulations argument, missing; otherwise, the matrix will include the relative bias estimated in the k-tree plot design between each field estimation specified in variables argument and its TLS counterpart(s) existing in “k.tree.plot” element in simulations argument. Each row will correspond to a k value, and the following columns will be included:

  • k: number of trees (trees) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated relative bias.

  • Column(s) ‘<x>.<y>’: numeric column(s) containing estimated relative bias between ‘<x>’, a field estimation, and ‘<y>’, a TLS counterpart.


If no “angle.count” element exists in simulations argument, missing; otherwise, the matrix will contain estimated relative bias under angle-count plot design between each field estimation specified in the variables argument and its TLS counterpart(s) existing in the “angle.count.plot” element in the simulations argument. Each row will correspond to a BAF value, and the following columns will be included:

  • BAF: BAF (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) of the simulated plots used for computing the estimated relative bias.

  • Column(s) ‘<x>.<y>’: numeric column(s) containing estimated relative bias between ‘<x>’, a field estimation, and ‘<y>’, a TLS counterpart.

Output Files

During the execution, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function will print the matrices described in the ‘Value’ section to files. These are written without row names in dir.result directory using write.csv function from the utils package. The pattern used for naming these files is ‘RB.<plot design>.csv’, where ‘<plot design>’ is equal to “fixed.area.plot”, “k.tree.plot” or “angle.count.plot” is according to the plot design.

Furthermore, if the save.result argument is TRUE, interactive line charts graphically representing relative bias values will also be created and saved in the dir.result directory by means of the saveWidget function in the htmlwidgets package. Generated widgets allow users to consult relative bias data directly on the plots, select/deselect different sets of traces, to zoom and scroll, and so on. The pattern used for naming these files is ‘RB.<x>.<plot design>.html’, where ‘<plot design>’ is indicated for the previously described files, and ‘<x>’ equals N, G, V, d and/or h according to the variables argument. All relative biases related to diameters are plotted in the same chart (files named as ‘RB.d.<plot design>.html’), and the same applies to those related to heights (files named as ‘RB.h.<plot design>.html’).


The results obtained using this function are merely descriptive, and they do not guarantee any type of statistical accuracy in using TLS metrics instead of field estimations in order to estimate forest attributes of interest.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.

See Also

simulations, correlations.


# Load variables estimated from field data, and TLS metrics
# corresponding to Rioja data set


# Establish directory where relative bias results corresponding to Rioja example
# will be saved. For instance, current working directory

dir.result <- getwd()

# Compute relative bias between field-based estimates of TLS metrics
# corresponding to Rioja example
# Relative bias for variables by default

rb <- relative.bias(simulations = Rioja.simulations, dir.result = dir.result)

# Relative bias for variable 'N'

rb <- relative.bias(simulations = Rioja.simulations, variables = "N",
                    dir.result = dir.result)

# Relative bias corresponding to angle-count design for all available variables

rb <- relative.bias(simulations = Rioja.simulations["angle.count"],
                    variables <- c("N", "G", "V", "d", "dg", "dgeom", "dharm",
                                   "d.0", "dg.0", "dgeom.0", "dharm.0", "h",
                                   "hg", "hgeom", "hharm", "h.0", "hg.0",
                                   "hgeom.0", "hharm.0"),
                    dir.result = dir.result)

Inventoried Plots Data for a Stand Case Study in La Rioja


This list includes trees detected with TLS for 16 single scans corresponding to plots located in La Rioja, a region of Spain, in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (first element), as well as those inventoried in the field for these 16 plots (second element). Plot attributes related to stand stratum are also included (third element).

The elements of the list are as follows:

  1. tree.tls: data frame that includes the list of trees detected with tree.detection.single.scan for 16 TLS single-scan sampling points. The following variables are provided for each tree (see tree.detection.single.scan ‘Value’ for more details):

    [,1] id character/numeric
    [,2] file character
    [,3] tree numeric
    [,4] x numeric
    [,5] y numeric
    [,6:8] phi, phi.left, phi.right numeric
    [,9] h.dist numeric
    [,10] dbh numeric
    [,11] h numeric
    [,12] v numeric
    [,13:16] n.pts,, n.pts.est, numeric
    [,15] partial.occlusion numeric
  2. tree.list.field: data frame that includes the list of trees measured in 16 circular fixed area plots of radius 20 m, whose centres coincide with TLS single-scans points. The following variables are provided for each tree:

    [,1] id numeric plot identification (coincident to TLS scans)
    [,2] tree numeric trees numbering
    [,3] Sp numeric specie code according to NFI ()
    [,4] x numeric x cartesian coordinate
    [,5] y numeric 7 cartesian coordinate
    [,6] h.dist numeric horizontal distance (m) from plot center to tree center
    [,7] dbh numeric tree diameter (cm) at breast height (1.3 m)
    [,8] h numeric tree total height (m)
    [,9] dead numeric dead (1) or not (NA)
    [,10] v.user numeric stem volume (m^3) estimated with allometric equations
    [,11] w.user numeric stem biomass (Mg) estimated with allometric equations




List with 2 data frames containing 604 observations and 17 variables (tree.tls) and 659 observations and 11 variables (tree.field).

Simulated Metrics and Variables for a Stand Case Study in La Rioja


This list contains metrics and variables estimated from field data and TLS data from

The elements on this list correspond to simulations ‘Value’, as follows:

  1. fixed.area: data frame with TLS metrics and variables estimated on the basis of simulated plots in a fixed area plot design with radius increment of 0.1 m (from smallest possible radius to 20 m). The following variables are provided for each pair (plot, radius) (see simulations ‘Value’ for more details):

    [,1] id character/numeric
    [,2] radius numeric
    [,3:5] N, G, V numeric
    [,6:9] d, dg, dgeom, dharm numeric
    [,10:13] h, hg, hgeom, hharm numeric
    [,14:17] d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0 numeric
    [,18:21] h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0 numeric
    [,22:27] N.tls,,,,, numeric
    [,28:31] num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est numeric
    [,32:37] G.tls,,,,, numeric
    [,38:43] V.tls,,,,, numeric
    [,44:47] d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls numeric
    [,48:51] h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls numeric
    [,52:55] d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0 numeric
    [,56:59] h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0 numeric
    [,60:74] P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99 numeric
  2. k.tree: data frame with TLS metrics and variables estimated on the basis of simulated plots under k-tree plot design for incremental values of 1 tree (from 1 to largest number of trees in one plot). The following variables are provided for each pair (plot, k) (see simulations ‘Value’ for more details):

    [,1] id character/numeric
    [,2] k numeric
    [,3:5] N, G, V numeric
    [,6:9] d, dg, dgeom, dharm numeric
    [,10:13] h, hg, hgeom, hharm numeric
    [,14:17] d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0 numeric
    [,18:21] h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0 numeric
    [,22:27] N.tls,,,,, numeric
    [,28:31] num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est numeric
    [,32:37] G.tls,,,,, numeric
    [,38:43] V.tls,,,,, numeric
    [,44:47] d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls numeric
    [,48:51] h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls numeric
    [,52:55] d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0 numeric
    [,56:59] h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0 numeric
    [,60:74] P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99 numeric
  3. angle.count: data frame with TLS metrics and variables estimated on the basis of simulated plots in an angle-count plot design. They plots are simulated for correlative angle-count plots and incremental values of 0.1 m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha for BAF. The following variables are provided for each pair (plot, BAF) (see simulations ‘Value’ for more details):

    [,1] id character/numeric
    [,2] BAF numeric
    [,3:5] N, G, V numeric
    [,6:9] d, dg, dgeom, dharm numeric
    [,10:13] h, hg, hgeom, hharm numeric
    [,14:17] d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0 numeric
    [,18:21] h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0 numeric
    [,22:23] N.tls, N.pam.tls numeric
    [,24:27] num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est numeric
    [,28:29] G.tls, G.pam.tls numeric
    [,30:31] V.tls, V.pam.tls numeric
    [,32:35] d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls numeric
    [,48:51] h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls numeric
    [,36:39] d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0 numeric
    [,40:43] h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0 numeric
    [,44:62] P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99 numeric




List with 3 data frames containing 2224 observations and 74 variables (simulations.fixed.area.plot), 272 observations and 74 variables (simulations.k.tree.plot), and 576 observations and 62 variables (simulations.angle.count.plot).

Compute Metrics and Variables for Simulated TLS and Field Plots


Computes TLS metrics derived from simulated TLS plots and variables estimated on the basis of simulated field plots. Real TLS and field data from the same set of plots are required in order to build simulated plots. Three different plot designs are currently available: circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count. During the simulation process, plots with incremental values for radius, k and BAF are simulated for circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count designs, respectively, according to the parameters specified in the plot.parameters argument. For TLS metrics, different method are included for correcting occlusions generated in TLS point clouds.


simulations(tree.tls, tree.ds = NULL, tree.field,
   = c("fixed.area", "k.tree", "angle.count"),
            plot.parameters = data.frame(radius.max = 25, k.max = 50, BAF.max = 4),
            scan.approach = "single", var.metr = list(tls = NULL, field = NULL),
            v.calc = "parab", dbh.min = 4, h.min = 1.3, max.dist = Inf,
   = NULL, save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)



Data frame with information about trees detected from TLS point cloud data. The structure and format must be analogous to output returned by tree.detection.single.scan and tree.detection.multi.scan (or tree.detection.several.plots) functions. In particular, each row must correspond to a (plot, tree) pair, and it must include at least the following columns:

  • id, file, tree, x, y, phi.left, phi.right, horizontal.distance, dbh, num.points, num.points.hom, num.points.est, num.points.hom.est, partial.occlusion: same description and format as indicated for the same named columns in tree.detection.single.scan ‘Value’.


An optional list containing results arises from the application of distance sampling methodologies. The structure and format must be analogous to output returned by distance.sampling function. In particular, it must include at least the following elements:

  • tree: data frame with detection probabilities for each tree using distance sampling methodologies. Each row must correspond to a (plot, tree) pair, and it must include at least the following columns:

    • id, tree,,,, same description and format as indicated for same named columns of tree in distance.sampling ‘Value’. In addition, plot identification and tree numbering included in id and tree columns must coincide with those included in the same named columns of tree.tls argument.

    If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the TLS metrics using distance sampling based correction will not be calculated for a circular fixed area or k-tree plot designs.


Data frame with information about trees measured in the field plots. Each row must correspond to a (plot, tree) pair, and it must include at least the following columns:

  • id: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. Plot identifications must coincide with those included in id column of the tree.tls argument.

  • tree: trees numbering.

  • horizontal.distance: horizontal distance (m) from plot centre to tree centre. Centres of the field plots must coincide with centres of their corresponding TLS plots.

  • dbh: tree diameter (cm) at breast height (1.3 m).

  • total.height: tree total height (m).

  • dead: integer value indicating for each tree if it is dead (1) or not (NA).

Vector containing the plot designs considered. By default, all plot designs will be considered (circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plots).


Optional list containing parameters for circular fixed area, k-tree and angle-count plot designs. User can set all or any of the following parameters specifying them as named elements of the list:

  • radius.max: maximum radius (m) allowed for the increasing sequence of radius values to be used in the simulation process of TLS and field plots under circular fixed area plot design. If this element is not included in the argument, circular fixed area plots will not be simulated.

  • radius.increment: positive increment (m) for the increasing sequence of radius values to be used in the simulation process of TLS and field plots in a circular fixed area plot design. If this element is not included in the argument, it is set to 0.1 m by default.

  • k.tree.max: maximum number of trees (trees) allowed for the increasing sequence of k values to be used in the simulation process of TLS and field plots under k-tree plot design. If this element is not included in the argument, k-tree plots will not be simulated.

  • BAF.max: maximum BAF (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) allowed for the increasing sequence of BAF values to be used in the simulation process of TLS and field plots in an angle-count plot design. If this element is not included in the argument, angle-count plots will not be simulated.

  • BAF.increment: positive increment (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) for the increasing sequence of BAF values to be used in the simulation process of TLS and field plots under angle-count plot design. If this element is not included in the argument, it is set to 0.1 m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha by default.

  • num.trees: number of dominant trees per ha (tree/ha) to be used for calculating dominant diameters and heights during the simulation process of TLS and field plots under all the available plot designs. Dominant trees are those with the largest diameter at breast height. If this element is not included in plot.parameters argument, it is set to 100 trees/ha by default.

If this argument is specified by the user, it must include at least one of the following elements: radius.max, k.tree.max or BAF.max. If this argument is not specified by the user, it is set to list(radius.max = 25, k.tree.max = 50, BAF.max = 4) by default and, as a consequence, the three available plot designs will be simulated.


Character parameter indicating TLS single-scan (‘single’) or TLS multi-scan approach or SLAM point clouds (‘multi’) approaches. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to ‘multi’ approach.


Optional vector containing all the metrics and variables of interest. By default it will be set as NULL and thus, all the metrics and variables available will be generated.


Optional parameter to calculate volume when is not included in tree.tls input data.


Optional minimum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 4 cm.


Optional minimum h (m) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 1.3 m.


Optional argument to specify the maximum horizontal distance considered in which trees will be included.

Optional character string naming the absolute path of the directory where TXT files containing TLS point clouds are located. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.dat, and TXT files in the directory must have the same description and format as indicated for TXT files in normalize ‘Output Files’. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.dat during the execution.


Optional logical which indicates wheter or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section must be saved in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as a consequence, the output files are saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


Using real TLS and field data from the same set of plots, this function enables construction of simulated plots under different plot designs and computation of the corresponding TLS metrics and estimated variables. The notation used for variables is based on IUFRO (1959).

At this stage, three plot designs are available:

  • Circular fixed area plots, simulated only if a radius.max value is specified in the plot.parameters argument.

  • k-tree plots, simulated only if a k.tree.max value is specified in the plot.parameters argument.

  • Angle-count plots, simulated only if a BAF.max value is specified in the plot.parameters argument.

For each real plot, a simulation process is run under each of the plot designs specified by means of elements of the plot.parameters argument. Although there are some minor differences depending on the plot design, the rough outline of the simulation process is similar for all, and it consists of the following main steps:

  1. Define an increasing sequence of the plot design parameter (radius, k or BAF) according to the maximum value and, if applicable, the positive increment set in plot.parameters argument.

  2. Build simulated plots for each parameter value in the previous sequence based on either TLS or field data.

  3. Compute either TLS metrics or variables estimated on the basis of simulated plots for each parameter value (see ‘Value’ section for details). For the simulated TLS plots, note that in addition to the counterparts of variables computed for the simulated field plots, the function also computes the following:

    • Metrics related to the number of points belonging to normal tree sections.

    • Metrics with occlusion corrections based on the following:

      • Distance sampling methodologies (Astrup et al., 2014) for circular fixed area and k-tree plot designs, if the distance.sampling argument is not NULL.

      • Correction of the shadowing effect (Seidel & Ammer, 2014) for circular fixed area and k-tree plot designs.

      • Gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS (Strahler et al., 2008; Lovell et al., 2011) for angle-count plot design.

    • Height percentiles derived from z coordinates of TLS point clouds relative to ground level.


List with field estimates and TLS metrics for plot designs considered. It will contain one element per plot design considered (fixed.area.plot, k.tree.plot and angle.count.plot)


If no value for radius.max is specified in the plot.parameters argument, NULL; otherwise, data frame with TLS metrics and variables will be estiamted on the basis of simulated plots in a circular fixed area plot design. Each row will correspond to a (plot, radius) pair, and the following columns will be included:

Plot identification and radius:

  • id: plot identification encoded as a character string or numeric. It will coincide with those included in the id column of tree.tls, tree.field or, if applicable, distance.sampling arguments.

  • radius: radius (m) of the simulated plot.

Variables estimated on the basis of simulated field plots:

  • N: stand density (trees/ha).

  • G: stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha).

  • V: stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha).

  • d, dg, dgeom, dharm: mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • h, hg, hgeom, hharm: mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0, dharm.0: dominant mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calcualted from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0: dominant mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

TLS variables derived from simulated TLS plots:

  • N.tls: stand density (trees/ha) without occlusion corrections.

  •,,, stand density (trees/ha) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies. These columns will be missing if the distance.sampling argument is NULL.

  • stand density (trees/ha) with correction of the shadowing effect.

  • G.tls: stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) without occlusion corrections.

  •,,, stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies. These columns will be missing if the distance.sampling argument is NULL.

  • stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) with correction of the shadowing effect.

  • V.tls: stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha) without occlusion corrections.

  •,,, stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha) with occlusion corrections based on distance sampling methodologies. These columns will be missing if the distance.sampling argument is NULL.

  • stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha) with correction of the shadowing effect.

  • d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls: mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean geometric mean, and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls: mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls: dominant mean tree diameters (cm) at breast height (1.3 m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

  • h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls: dominant mean tree heights (m), calculated from the arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, respectively.

TLS metrics derived from simulated TLS plots:

  • num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est: number of points and estimated number of points (points) belonging to trees with normal sections (+/- 5 cm) in the original point cloud (num.points and num.points.est, respectively); and number of points and estimated number of points (points) belonging to trees normal sections (+/- 5 cm) in the reduced point cloud (num.points.hom and num.points.hom.est, respectively).

  • P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: height percentiles derived from z coordinates of TLS point clouds relative to ground level.


If no value for k.tree.max is specified in the plot.parameters argument, NULL; otherwise the data frame with TLS metrics and estimations of variables will be based on simulated plots in the k-tree plot design. Each of row will correspond to a (plot, k) pair, and the following columns will be included:

Plot identification and k:

  • id: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. The id will coincide with those included in the id column of tree.tls, tree.field or, if applicable, distance.sampling arguments.

  • k: number of trees (trees) in the simulated plot.

Estimated variables based on simulated field plots:

  • N, G, V, d, dg, dgeom, dharm, h, hg, hgeom, hharm, d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0,
    dharm.0, h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0: same description and format as indicated in the fixed.area.plot element.

TLS variables derived from simulated TLS plots:

  • N.tls,,,,,,
    d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls,
    h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls,
    d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls,
    h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls

TLS metrics derived from simulated TLS plots:

  • num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est,
    P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: same description and format as indicated in fixed.area.plot element.


If no value for BAF.max is specified in the plot.parameters argument, NULL; otherwise the data frame will include TLS metrics and estimated variables based on simulated plots in the angle-count plot design. Each row will correspond to a (plot, BAF) pair, and the following columns will be included:

Plot identification and BAF:

  • id: plot identification encoded as character string or numeric. The id will coincide with those included in the id column of tree.tls and tree.field.

  • BAF: BAF (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) of the simulated plot.

Estimated variables based on simulated field plots:

  • N, G, V, d, dg, dgeom, dharm, h, hg, hgeom, hharm, d.0, dg.0, dgeom.0,
    dharm.0, h.0, hg.0, hgeom.0, hharm.0: same description and format as indicated in the fixed.area.plot element.

TLS variables derived from simulated TLS plots:

  • N.tls: same description and format as indicated in the fixed.area.plot element.

  • N.pam: stand density (trees/ha) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS.

  • G.tls: same description and format as indicated in fixed.area.plot element.

  • G.pam: stand basal area (m2/ha{m}^{2}/ha) with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS.

  • V.tls: same description and format as indicated in fixed.area.plot element.

  • V.pam: stand volume (m3/ha{m}^{3}/ha)with occlusion correction based on gap probability attenuation with distance to TLS.

  • d.tls, dg.tls, dgeom.tls, dharm.tls,
    h.tls, hg.tls, hgeom.tls, hharm.tls,
    d.0.tls, dg.0.tls, dgeom.0.tls, dharm.0.tls,
    h.0.tls, hg.0.tls, hgeom.0.tls, hharm.0.tls

TLS metrics derived from simulated TLS plots:

  • num.points, num.points.est, num.points.hom, num.points.hom.est,
    P01, P05, P10, P20, P25, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P75, P80, P90, P95, P99: same description and format as indicated in fixed.area.plot element.

Output Files

At the end of the simulation process, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function will print all the elements described in ‘Value’ section and which are different from NULL to files. Data frames are written without row names in dir.result directory using the write.csv function from the utils package. The pattern used for naming these files is ‘simulations.<plot design>.csv’, where ‘<plot design>’ is equal to “fixed.area.plot”, “k.tree.plot” or “angle.count.plot” according to plot design.


The simulation process implemented in this function is computationally intensive. Although the function currently uses the vroom function from the vroom package for reading large files and contains fast implementations of several critical calculations (C++ via Rcpp package), long computation times may be required when a large number of plots are considered, number of points in TLS point clouds are very high, or the radius, k or BAF sequences used in the simulation process are very long.

Using reduced point clouds (according to point cropping process implemented in the normalize function), rather than original ones, may be recommended in order to cut down on computing time. Another possibility would be to specify large increments for radius and BAF, and/or low maximum values for radius, number of trees and BAF in the plot.parameters argument. This would make the function more efficient, though there may be a notable loss of detail in the results generated.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.


Astrup, R., Ducey, M. J., Granhus, A., Ritter, T., & von Lüpke, N. (2014). Approaches for estimating stand level volume using terrestrial laser scanning in a single-scan mode. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 44(6), 666-676. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2013-0535

IUFRO (1959). Standarization of symbols in forest mensuration. IUFRO, Wien, 32 pp.

Lovell, J. L., Jupp, D. L. B., Newnham, G. J., & Culvenor, D. S. (2011). Measuring tree stem diameters using intensity profiles from ground-based scanning lidar from a fixed viewpoint. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(1), 46-55. doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.08.006

Seidel, D., & Ammer, C. (2014). Efficient measurements of basal area in short rotation forests based on terrestrial laser scanning under special consideration of shadowing. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 7(4), 227. doi:10.3832/ifor1084-007

Strahler, A. H., Jupp, D. L. B., Woodcock, C. E., Schaaf, C. B., Yao, T., Zhao, F., Yang, X., Lovell, J., Culvenor, D., Newnham, G., Ni-Miester, W., & Boykin-Morris, W. (2008). Retrieval of forest structural parameters using a ground-based lidar instrument (Echidna®). Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(sup2), S426-S440. doi:10.5589/m08-046

See Also

tree.detection.single.scan, tree.detection.multi.scan, tree.detection.several.plots, distance.sampling, normalize.


# Load information of trees detected from TLS point clouds data corresponding to
# plots 1 and 2 from Rioja data set

example.tls <- subset($tree.tls, id < 3)

# Compute detection probabilities using distance sampling methods

example.ds <- distance.sampling(example.tls)

# Load information of trees measured in field plots corresponding to plot 1 and 2
# from Rioja data set

example.field <- subset($tree.field, id < 3)

# Establish directory where TXT file containing TLS point cloud corresponding to
# plot 1 from Rioja data set is located. For instance, current working directory <- getwd()

# Download example of TXT file corresponding to plots 1 and 2 from Rioja data set

download.file(url = "",
              destfile = file.path(, "1.txt"), mode = "wb")

download.file(url = "",
              destfile = file.path(, "2.txt"), mode = "wb")

# Establish directory where simulation results corresponding to plots 1 and 2
# from Rioja data set will be saved. For instance, current working directory

dir.result <- getwd()

# Compute metrics and variables for simulated TLS and field plots corresponding
# to plots 1 and 2 from Rioja data set
# Without occlusion correction based on distance sampling methods

sim <- simulations(tree.tls = example.tls, tree.field = example.field,
                   plot.parameters = data.frame(radius.max = 10, k.max = 20,
                                                BAF.max = 2),
          =, dir.result = dir.result)

Tree-Level Variables Estimation


Detects trees from point clouds corresponding to TLS multi-scan approaches and SLAM devices. For each tree detected, the function calculates the central coordinates and estimates the diameter at 1.3 m above ground level (which is known as dbh, diameter at breast height) and classifies it as fully visible or partially occluded. Finally, the function obtains the number of points belonging to normal sections of trees (those corresponding to dbh +/- 5 cm) and estimates them for both original and reduced (with random selection process) point clouds.


tree.detection.multi.scan(data, single.tree = NULL,
                          dbh.min = 4, dbh.max = 200, h.min = 1.3,
                          ncr.threshold = 0.1,
                          tls.precision = NULL,
                          density.reduction = 2,
                          stem.section = c(0.7, 3.5), stem.range = NULL, breaks = NULL,
                          slice = 0.1, understory = NULL, bark.roughness = 1,
                          den.type = 1, = NULL,
                          plot.attributes = NULL, plot = TRUE,
                          save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)



Data frame with same description and format as indicated for normalize ‘Value’.


Optional argument to indicate if there is only one tree.


Optional minimum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 4 cm.


Optional maximum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 200 cm.


Optional minimum h (m) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 1.3 m.


Local surface variation (also known as normal change rate, NCR). By default it will be set as 0.1. For better understanding of this argument see ‘Details’.


Average point cloud precision in cm.


Density reduction intensity.


Section free of noise (shurb, branches, etc.) considered to detect trees. If not specified, an automatic internal algorithm will be applied (see ‘Details’).


Section considered to estimate straightness tree attributes.


Height above ground level (m) of slices considered for detecting trees. By default it will be considered all possible sections from 0.4 m to maximum height by 0.3 m intervals (+/- 5 cm).


Slice width considered for detecting trees. By default it will be considered as 0.1 m.


Optional argument to indicate if there is dense understory vegetation.


Bark roughness established in 3 degrees (1 < 2 < 3). By default it will be considered as 1.


Numeric argument indicating the dendrometic type used to estimate volumen when there are not sections enough to fit a taper equation. Dendrometrics types available are the following: cylinder = 0, paraboloid = 1 (by default), cone = 2 and neiloid = 3.

Top stem diameter (cm) considered to estimate commercial timber volume.


Data frame with attributes at plot level. It must contain a column named id (character string or numeric value) with encoding coinciding with that used in id argument of normalize for identifying plots. If there are strata, another column named ‘stratum’ (numeric) will be required for other functionalities of FORTLS (see, for instance, estimation.plot.size or metrics.variables). If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the function will not add these possible plot attributes.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the normalized point cloud will be plot. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as consequence, the normalized point cloud will be plot.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section should be saved in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as a consequence, the output files will be saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where the files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and the save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


Slices determined by breaks argument are clustered using the DBSCAN algorithm (Ester et al., 1996) on the horizontal plane according to Cartesian coordinates (x, y). Before and after this process, several algorithms are used to remove noisy points and apply classification criteria to select the clusters of trees.

dbh is directly estimated for the section of 1.3 m above ground level, and estimated from other sections using dbh~breaks linear regression. Finally, the mean value of all estimates is provided in ‘Value’ as the dbh of the tree section.

Volume is estimated modelling stem profile as a paraboloid and calculating the volumes of revolution; where trees dbh are estimated in tree.detection.single.scan, and total heights are estimated as percentile 99 of z coordinate of points delimited by Voronoi polygons.

The number of points corresponding to a normal section (+/- 5 cm) is estimated in proportion to dbh, using the average number of points per radius unit as reference. In this respect, only tree sections fully visible at 1.3 m above ground level will be considered for estimating the average number of points.

Local surface variation (also known as normal change rate ,NCR), is a quantitative measure of curvature feature (Pauly et al., 2002). This is useful for distinguishing points belonging to fine branches and foliage (e.g. leaves, shrubs) and stem points (e.g. Jin et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2019). Just as we considered 5 cm as suitable for calculating local surface variation for the stem separation in forests, according to other authors (Ma et al., 2015; Xia et al., 2015), we also established the NCR threshold as 0.1, according to Zhang et al. (2019). However, this argument (ncr.threshold) may be modified in order to use more appropriate values.


Data frame with the following columns for every tree detected (each row corresponds to one tree detected):


Optional plot identification encoded as a character string or numeric. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the plot will be encoded as 1.


Optional file name identification encoded as character string or numeric. If it is null, the file will be encoded as id by default.


tree numbering


Cartesian (according to notation):

  • x: distance on x axis (m) of tree centre.

  • y: distance on y axis (m) of tree centre.

Azimuthal angles:

  • phi: angular coordinate (rad) of tree centre.


horizontal distance (m) from plot centre to tree centre.


estimated tree diameter (cm) at breast height (1.3 m).


estimated tree total height (m).


estimated commercial tree height (m) according to the top diameter defined in the argument


estimated tree stem volume (m^3).


estimated commercial tree stem volume (m^3) according to the top diameter defined in the argument


number of points corresponding to a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the original point cloud.

number of points corresponding to a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the point cloud reduced by the point cropping process.


number of points estimated for a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the original point cloud.

number of points estimated for a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the point cloud reduced by the point cropping process.


yes (1) or no (0)

Output Files

At the end of the tree detection process, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function will save the data frame described in ‘Value’ as a CSV file named ‘tree.tls.csv’. The data frame will be written without row names in the dir.result directory by using write.csv function from the utils package.


Although tree.detection.multi.scan also works with reduced point clouds, thus reducing the computing time, use of the original point cloud is recommended in order to detect more trees. This will also depend on forest conditions, especially those related to visibility. The more distant the trees are, the lower the density of points will be, and using reduced point clouds will therefore complicate detection of the most distant trees.

Note that dbh.min and dbh.max are important for avoiding outlier values when inventory data are used for reference purposes. Otherwise, knowledge about the autoecology of species could be used for filtering anomalous values of dbh.

The argument breaks = 1.3 could be sufficient for detecting trees visible at dbh, involving lower computational cost. However, those trees not detected at dbh, may be estimated from lower and/or higher sections. Considering the three default sections in the argument breaks = c(1.0, 1.3, 1.6) maintains a good balance in the case study of this package.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.


Ester, M., Kriegel, H. P., Sander, J., & Xu, X. (1996). A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise. In Kdd (Vol. 96, No. 34, pp. 226-231).

Jin, S., Tamura, M., & Susaki, J. (2016). A new approach to retrieve leaf normal distribution using terrestrial laser scanners. J. Journal of Forestry Research, 27(3), 631-638. doi:10.1007/s11676-015-0204-z

Ma, L., Zheng, G., Eitel, J. U., Moskal, L. M., He, W., & Huang, H. (2015). Improved salient feature-based approach for automatically separating photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic components within terrestrial lidar point cloud data of forest canopies. IEEE Transactions Geoscience Remote Sensing, 54(2), 679-696. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2015.2459716

Pauly, M., Gross, M., & Kobbelt, L. P., (2002). Efficient simplification of point-sampled surfaces. In IEEE Conference on Visualization. (pp. 163-170). Boston, USA. doi:10.1109/VISUAL.2002.1183771

Xia, S., Wang, C., Pan, F., Xi, X., Zeng, H., & Liu, H. (2015). Detecting stems in dense and homogeneous forest using single-scan TLS. Forests. 6(11), 3923-3945. doi:10.3390/f6113923

Zhang, W., Wan, P., Wang, T., Cai, S., Chen, Y., Jin, X., & Yan, G. (2019). A novel approach for the detection of standing tree stems from plot-level terrestrial laser scanning data. Remote Sens. 11(2), 211. doi:10.3390/rs11020211

See Also

normalize, tree.detection.single.scan, tree.detection.several.plots, distance.sampling, estimation.plot.size, simulations, metrics.variables


# Establishment of working directories (optional)
# By default here we propose the current working directory of the R process <- getwd()
dir.result <- getwd()

# Loading example data of TLS multi-scan approach point cloud (LAZ file) to

              destfile = file.path(, "PiceaAbies.laz"),
              mode = "wb")

# Normalizing the whole point cloud data without considering arguments

pcd <- normalize(las = "PiceaAbies.laz",

                 id = "PiceaAbies",

                 scan.approach = "multi",

        =, dir.result = dir.result)

# Tree detection without considering arguments

tree.tls <- tree.detection.multi.scan(data = pcd,

                                      slice = 0.2,

                                      breaks = c(1, 1.3, 1.6),

                                      dir.result = dir.result)

Tree-Level Variables Estimation for Several Plots


This function integrates both, the normalize and tree.detection.single.scan or tree.detection.multi.scan functions, generating the same ‘Output Files’ as indicated for these, and it returs the same ‘Value’ as described for tree.detection.single.scan or tree.detection.multi.scan respectively. However, this function is designed for working with several plots, producing a list of all scans considered automatically from LAS files.


tree.detection.several.plots(las.list, id.list = NULL, file = NULL,

                             scan.approach = "single",
                    = NULL, normalized = NULL,
                             center.coord = NULL,
                             x.side = NULL, y.side = NULL,
                             max.dist = NULL, min.height = NULL, max.height = 50,
                             algorithm.dtm = "knnidw", res.dtm = 0.2,
                             csf = list(cloth_resolution = 0.5),
                             intensity = NULL, RGB = NULL,

                             single.tree = NULL,
                             dbh.min = 4, dbh.max = 200, h.min = 1.3,
                             ncr.threshold = 0.1,
                             tls.resolution = NULL, tls.precision = NULL,
                             density.reduction = 2,
                             stem.section = c(0.7, 3.5), stem.range = NULL, breaks = NULL,
                             slice = 0.1, understory = NULL, bark.roughness = 1,
                             den.type = 1, = NULL,

                             plot.attributes = NULL, plot = NULL,

                    = NULL, save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)



Character vector containing the names of all LAS files for analysis and belonging to TLS point cloud, including .las extension (see ‘Examples’)


Optional vector with plots identification encoded as character string or numeric. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the plots will be encoded with correlative numbers from 1 to n plots.


Optional vector containing files name identification encoded as character string or numeric value. If it is null, file will be encoded as id by default.


Character parameter indicating TLS single-scan (‘single’) or TLS multi-scan approach or SLAM point clouds (‘multi’) approaches. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to ‘multi’ approach.

Optional argument to indicate if point cloud density must be reduced to detect trees.


Optional argument to establish as TRUE when point cloud is already normalized.


Planimetric x and y center coordinate of the plots. They has to be introduced as a data frame object with the following columns names: 'id', 'x' and 'y'. They represent plot id, and center coordinates respectively.


x-side (m) of the plot when the plot is square or rectangular.


y-side (m) of the plot when the plot is square or rectangular.


Optional maximum horizontal distance (m) considered from the plot centre. All points farther than max.dist will be discarded after the normalization process. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, all points will be used in processing, with max.dist representing the farthest point.


Optional minimum height (m) considered from ground level. All points below min.height will be discarded after the normalization process. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, all points will be used in processing, with min.height representing the lowest point.


Optional maximum height (m) considered from ground level. All points above max.height will be discarded after the normalization process. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, all points will be used in processing, with max.height representing the highest point.


Algorithm used to generate the digital terrain model (DTM) from the TLS point cloud. There are two posible options based on spatial interpolation: ‘tin’ and ‘knnidw’ (see ‘Details’). If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to ‘knnidw’ algorithm.


Numeric parameter. Resolution of the DTM generated to normalize point cloud (see ‘Details’). If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to 0.2 m.


List containing parameters of CSF algorithm:

  • cloth_resolution: by default 0.5.


Logical parameter useful when point clouds have intensity values. It may be useful in some internal process to filter data.


Logical parameter useful when point clouds are colorized, thus including values of RGB colors. It is based on the Green Leaf Algorithm (GLA) (see ‘Details’).


Optional argument to indicate if there is only one tree.


Optional minimum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 4 cm.


Optional maximum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 200 cm.


Optional minimum h (m) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 1.3 m.


Local surface variation (also known as normal change rate, NCR). By default it will be set as 0.1. For better understanding of this argument see ‘Details’.


List containing parameters of TLS resolution. This can be defined by the angle aperture:

  • horizontal.angle: horizontal angle aperture (degrees).

  • vertical.angle: vertical angle aperture (degrees).

  • point.dist: distance (mm) between two consecutive points.

  • tls.dist: distance (m) from TLS at which two consecutive points are separated by point.dist.

    If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence the function will stop giving an error message.


Optional argument indicating the average point cloud precision in cm.


Density reduction intensity.


Section free of noise (shurb, branches, etc.) considered to detect trees. If not specified, an automatic internal algorithm will be applied (see ‘Details’).


Height above ground level (m) of slices considered for detecting trees. By default it will be considered all possible sections from 0.1 m to maximum height by 0.3 m intervals (+/- 5 cm).


Section considered to estimate straightness tree attributes.


Slice width considered for detecting trees. By default it will be considered as 0.1 m.


Optional argument to indicate if there is dense understory vegetation.


Bark roughness established in 3 degrees (1 < 2 < 3). By default it will be considered as 2.


Numeric argument indicating the dendrometic type used to estimate volumen when there are not sections enough to fit a taper equation. Dendrometrics types available are the following: cylinder = 0, paraboloid = 1 (by default), cone = 2 and neiloid = 3.

Top stem diameter (cm) considered to estimate commercial timber volume.


Data frame with attributes at plot level. It must contain a column named id (character string or numeric value) with encoding coinciding with that used in id argument of normalize for identifying plots. If there are strata, another column named ‘stratum’ (numeric) will be required for other functionalities of FORTLS (see, for instance, estimation.plot.size or metrics.variables). If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the function will not add these possible plot attributes.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the normalized point cloud will be plot. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as consequence, the normalized point cloud will be plot.

Optional character string naming the absolute path of the directory where LAS files containing TLS point clouds are located. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.dat. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.dat during the execution.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section should be saved in the dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as a consequence, the output files will be saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


See normalize, tree.detection.single.scan and tree.detection.multi.scan for further details.


Data frame with the same description and format as tree.detection.single.scan and tree.detection.multi.scan ‘Values’. In this case, the id of plots will be encoded with correlative numbers from 1 to n, where n is the number of LAS files included in files argument, and file column will be encoded as id, but including .las extension.

Output Files

At the end of the tree detection process, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function will save both, the reduced point clouds as TXT files encoded according to file column of ‘Value’; and the data frame with the tree list described in ‘Value’ as CSV file (see normalize and tree.detection.single.scan or tree.detection.multi.scan ‘Output files’). All outputs are written without row names in the dir.result directory using vroom_write function from vroom package.


This function has been developed for working with several plots, which will be the most common situation in forest inventory approaches. Nevertheless, several LAS files are not provided as examples due to problems with memory capacity.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.

See Also

normalize, tree.detection.single.scan,tree.detection.multi.scan, distance.sampling, estimation.plot.size, simulations, metrics.variables.


# Establishment of working directories (optional)
# By default here we propose the current working directory of the R process <- getwd()
dir.result <- getwd()

# Loading example data (LAZ files) to

              destfile = file.path(, "PinusSylvestris1.laz"),
              mode = "wb")

              destfile = file.path(, "PinusSylvestris2.laz"),
              mode = "wb")

# Obtaining a vector with names of LAZ files located in

files <- list.files(pattern = "laz$", path =

# Tree detection (TLS single-scan aproach)

tree.tls <- tree.detection.several.plots(las.list =

                                         id = c("PinusSylvestris1",

                                         tls.resolution = list(point.dist = 7.67, tls.dist = 10),

                                         breaks = c(1, 1.3, 1.6), stem.section = c(0.5, 4.5))

Tree-Level Variables Estimation for TLS Single-Scan Approach


Detects trees from TLS point clouds corresponding to a single scan. For each tree detected, the function calculates the central coordinates and estimates the diameter at 1.3 m above ground level (which is known as dbh, diameter at breast height) and classifies it as fully visible or partially occluded. Finally, the function obtains the number of points belonging to normal sections of trees (those corresponding to dbh +/- 5 cm) and estimates them for both original and reduced (with point cropping process) point clouds.


tree.detection.single.scan(data, single.tree = NULL,
                           dbh.min = 4, dbh.max = 200, h.min = 1.3,
                           ncr.threshold = 0.1,
                           tls.resolution = list(),
                           tls.precision = NULL,
                           density.reduction = 2,
                           stem.section = c(0.7, 3.5), stem.range = NULL, breaks = NULL,
                           slice = 0.1, understory = NULL, bark.roughness = 1,
                           den.type = 1, = NULL,
                           plot.attributes = NULL, plot = TRUE,
                           save.result = TRUE, dir.result = NULL)



Data frame with same description and format as indicated for normalize ‘Value’.


Optional argument to indicate if there is only one tree.


Optional minimum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 4 cm.


Optional maximum dbh (cm) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 200 cm.


Optional minimum h (m) considered for detecting trees. By default it will be set at 1.3 m.


Local surface variation (also known as normal change rate, NCR). By default it will be set as 0.1. For better understanding of this argument see ‘Details’.


List containing parameters of TLS resolution. This can be defined by the angle aperture:

  • horizontal.angle: horizontal angle aperture (degrees).

  • vertical.angle: vertical angle aperture (degrees).

  • point.dist: distance (mm) between two consecutive points.

  • tls.dist: distance (m) from TLS at which two consecutive points are separated by point.dist.

    If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence the function will stop giving an error message.


Average point cloud precision in cm.


Density reduction intensity.


Section free of noise (shurb, branches, etc.) considered to detect trees. If not specified, an automatic internal algorithm will be applied (see ‘Details’).


Section considered to estimate straightness tree attributes.


Height above ground level (m) of slices considered for detecting trees. By default it will be considered all possible sections from 0.1 m to maximum height by 0.3 m intervals (+/- 5 cm).


Slice width considered for detecting trees. By default it will be considered as 0.1 m.


Optional argument to indicate if there is dense understory vegetation.


Bark roughness established in 3 degrees (1 < 2 < 3). By default it will be considered as 1.


Numeric argument indicating the dendrometic type used to estimate volumen when there are not sections enough to fit a taper equation. Dendrometrics types available are the following: cylinder = 0, paraboloid = 1 (by default), cone = 2 and neiloid = 3.

Top stem diameter (cm) considered to estimate commercial timber volume.


Data frame with attributes at plot level. It must contain a column named id (character string or numeric value) with encoding coinciding with that used in id argument of normalize for identifying plots. If there are strata, another column named ‘stratum’ (numeric) will be required for other functionalities of FORTLS (see, for instance, estimation.plot.size or metrics.variables). If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the function will not add these possible plot attributes.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the normalized point cloud will be plot. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as consequence, the normalized point cloud will be plot.


Optional logical which indicates whether or not the output files described in ‘Output Files’ section should be saved in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to TRUE by default and, as a consequence, the output files will be saved.


Optional character string naming the absolute path of an existing directory where the files described in ‘Output Files’ section will be saved. .Platform$file.sep must be used as the path separator in dir.result. If this argument is not specified by the user, and the save.result is TRUE, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the current working directory of the R process will be assigned to dir.result during the execution.


Slices determined by breaks argument are clustered using the DBSCAN algorithm (Ester et al., 1996) on the horizontal plane according to Cartesian coordinates (x, y). Before and after this process, several algorithms are used to remove noisy points and apply classification criteria to select the clusters of trees.

dbh is directly estimated for the section of 1.3 m above ground level, and estimated from other sections using dbh~breaks linear regression. Finally, the mean value of all estimates is provided in ‘Value’ as the dbh of the tree section.

The number of points corresponding to a normal section (+/- 5 cm) is estimated in proportion to dbh, using the average number of points per radius unit as reference. In this respect, only tree sections fully visible at 1.3 m above ground level will be considered for estimating the average number of points.

Local surface variation (also known as normal change rate ,NCR), is a quantitative measure of curvature feature (Pauly et al., 2002). This is useful for distinguishing points belonging to fine branches and foliage (e.g. leaves, shrubs) and stem points (e.g. Jin et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2019). Just as we considered 5 cm as suitable for calculating local surface variation for the stem separation in forests, according to other authors (Ma et al., 2015; Xia et al., 2015), we also established the NCR threshold as 0.1, according to Zhang et al. (2019). However, this argument (ncr.threshold) may be modified in order to use more appropriate values.


Data frame with the following columns for every tree detected (each row corresponds to one tree detected):


Optional plot identification encoded as a character string or numeric. If this argument is not specified by the user, it will be set to NULL by default and, as a consequence, the plot will be encoded as 1.


Optional file name identification encoded as character string or numeric. If it is null, the file will be encoded as id by default.


tree numbering


Cartesian (according to notation):

  • x: distance on x axis (m) of tree centre.

  • y: distance on y axis (m) of tree centre.

Azimuthal angles:

  • phi: angular coordinate (rad) of tree centre.

  • phi.left: angular coordinate (rad) of left border of tree section.

  • phi.right: angular coordinate (rad) of right border of tree section


horizontal distance (m) from plot centre to tree centre.


estimated tree diameter (cm) at breast height (1.3 m).


estimated tree total height (m).


estimated commercial tree height (m) according to the top diameter defined in the argument


estimated tree stem volume (m^3).


estimated commercial tree stem volume (m^3) according to the top diameter defined in the argument


number of points corresponding to a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the original point cloud.

number of points corresponding to a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the point cloud reduced by the point cropping process.


number of points estimated for a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the original point cloud.

number of points estimated for a normal section (+/- 5 cm) in the point cloud reduced by the point cropping process.


yes (1) or no (0)

Output Files

At the end of the tree detection process, if the save.result argument is TRUE, the function will save the data frame described in ‘Value’ as a CSV file named ‘tree.tls.csv’. The data frame will be written without row names in the dir.result directory by using write.csv function from the utils package.


Although tree.detection also works with reduced point clouds, thus reducing the computing time, use of the original point cloud is recommended in order to detect more trees. This will also depend on forest conditions, especially those related to visibility. The more distant the trees are, the lower the density of points will be, and using reduced point clouds will therefore complicate detection of the most distant trees.

Note that dbh.min and dbh.max are important for avoiding outlier values when inventory data are used for reference purposes. Otherwise, knowledge about the autoecology of species could be used for filtering anomalous values of dbh.

The argument breaks = 1.3 could be sufficient for detecting trees visible at dbh, involving lower computational cost. However, those trees not detected at dbh, may be estimated from lower and/or higher sections. Considering the three default sections in the argument breaks = c(1.0, 1.3, 1.6) maintains a good balance in the case study of this package.


Juan Alberto Molina-Valero and Adela Martínez-Calvo.


Ester, M., Kriegel, H. P., Sander, J., & Xu, X. (1996). A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise. In Kdd (Vol. 96, No. 34, pp. 226-231).

Jin, S., Tamura, M., & Susaki, J. (2016). A new approach to retrieve leaf normal distribution using terrestrial laser scanners. J. Journal of Forestry Research, 27(3), 631-638. doi:10.1007/s11676-015-0204-z

Ma, L., Zheng, G., Eitel, J. U., Moskal, L. M., He, W., & Huang, H. (2015). Improved salient feature-based approach for automatically separating photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic components within terrestrial lidar point cloud data of forest canopies. IEEE Transactions Geoscience Remote Sensing, 54(2), 679-696. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2015.2459716

Pauly, M., Gross, M., & Kobbelt, L. P., (2002). Efficient simplification of point-sampled surfaces. In IEEE Conference on Visualization. (pp. 163-170). Boston, USA. doi:10.1109/VISUAL.2002.1183771

Xia, S., Wang, C., Pan, F., Xi, X., Zeng, H., & Liu, H. (2015). Detecting stems in dense and homogeneous forest using single-scan TLS. Forests. 6(11), 3923-3945. doi:10.3390/f6113923

Zhang, W., Wan, P., Wang, T., Cai, S., Chen, Y., Jin, X., & Yan, G. (2019). A novel approach for the detection of standing tree stems from plot-level terrestrial laser scanning data. Remote Sens. 11(2), 211. doi:10.3390/rs11020211

See Also

normalize, tree.detection.multi.scan, tree.detection.several.plots, distance.sampling, estimation.plot.size, simulations, metrics.variables


# Establishment of working directories (optional)
# By default here we propose the current working directory of the R process <- getwd()
dir.result <- getwd()

# Loading example data (LAZ file) to

              destfile = file.path(, "PinusRadiata.laz"),
              mode = "wb")

# Normalizing the whole point cloud data without considering arguments

pcd <- normalize(las = "PinusRadiata.laz",

                 id = "PinusRadiata",

        =, dir.result = dir.result)

# Tree detection without considering arguments
# For this case study, TLS resolution was established as:
# point.dist = 6.34 mm and tls.dist = 10 m

tree.tls <- tree.detection.single.scan(data = pcd,

                                       tls.resolution = list(point.dist = 6.34, tls.dist = 10),

                                       breaks = c(1, 1.3, 1.6),

                                       dir.result = dir.result)